Short biography of St. Clare of Assisi
- 1182
- A certain Francesco Bernardone was born in Assisi...
- 1194
- Birth of Clare Offreduccio di Favarone. Baptism, like Francis, in the church cathedral of San Rufino.

- 1205
- Francis becomes the talk of the town in Assisi. He renounces his father's legacy, becomes a mason and restores churches...
- 1209
- Some brothers join Francis in order to live his way of life. A pilgrimage to Rome. The Pope approves his way of life. Francis' way of life catches Clare's attention and attracts her.
- 1212
- Charmed by Francis' way of life, Clare receives from his own hands the Vestments. Clare settles with a few companions in San Damiano.
- 1216
- The Pope grants the privilege of poverty to San Damiano's monastery.
- 1225
- Beginning of Clare's illness. Francis writes 'The Canticle of the Creatures' in San Damiano.
- 1226
- On October 3rd, Francis dies, surrounded by his brothers.
- 1227
- Confirmation of the spiritual assistance of the Poor Ladies Order (Clares) by the Friars Minor Order.
- 1253
- On August 9th, pontifical approval of the Rule of Saint Clare.
- 1253
- On August 11th, Clare dies, surrounded by her sisters.